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The game was made in a 48-hour Game Jam where the theme was IADE (Portuguese  university)

With this game, our group tried to create and adapt the life of an academic student, representing him, on multiple levels in a running game. For this game, we developed the main character who aims to represent a student of Iade, with the goal of going through a journey with multiple obstacles, such as the university has, for this, we decided to represent those multiple obstacles with objects that our group found relevant in the representation of difficulties that students find in their academic journey, such as books, representing all kinds of more difficult and challenging learnings during the semesters. During the course of the game, our character is running on a train which is believed, to be the main mean of transport used by students to move to college, this train, was represented by multiple carriages forcing the player to jump and move between them, to reach the end of the train and finish the level.




Developed by Gonçalo Marques and Sheehan Sunil

Development Time: 48 Hours (Game Jam)

Responsibilities: Level Design, Obstacles, UI, Player Movement, Art 


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